Vivid Orange 500ml

- $-70.00
  • $70.00

When is a red wine not a red wine? When it has been double distilled into our Vivid Orange Liqueur!

Many do a double take when we say Vivid Orange is made from red wine (and we are proud to say also Cootamundra grown and made red wine to boot!) - they look confused, expecting to see red (or orange) rather than the crystal clear liquid before them.

Distillation extracts the alcohol from the wine as vapour, and as that steam is cooled through the condenser it returns the alcohol to a clear liquid. If you have colour or cloudiness at this point, then your still has ‘puked’ as it has been run too hot or too fast, pushing through some of the original liquid rather than just condensing the vapour. This will also taste foul and should be chucked out! We have never had our Still puke, touch wood!

Colours come post distillation, from natural or artificial additions or from the barrel-ageing process.

We chose not to add colours to our Vivid Orange Liqueur. The name refers to the vibrant flavour of the Riverina citrus that has been distilled along with the red wine.

Whilst the wine does not give any colour, there is a hint of grape on your palate as you drink Vivid Orange - it blends with the sugar syrup that has been added to provide a strong burst of citrus followed by an almost date-like caramel at the end.

Our Vivid Orange Liqueur sits at 30% Alc/Vol. Simply gorgeous on the rocks or with soda. For the cocktail lovers, use in place of Grand Marnier and the like.

30% alc/vol
Approximately 11.8 standard drinks